Jerry's Fitness Diary

Monday, November 07, 2005

Day 58 - Grueling

Tonight was another grueling workout. Keith has increased our routines up to 3 reps and he has also increased my weights again. We had to make due with what was available and the 8 lb. weights were no where to be found so he gave me some 12 1/2 lb. weights which I had for most of the exercizes except the scapula exercizes which I am still struggling with at 5 lbs. for each arm. The good news is I made it through 2 full sets on the scapulas and the third, I struggled with at the end but still made it through even though I had to stop midstream.

I was feeling quite a bit under the weather and felt so much better through the workout. We completed the session with a 20 minute cardio on the treadmill - Patty chose the LifeCycle bike to do her cardio. Overall, it was a very intense and grueling session but I like it!!

Our next session with Keith is Thursday which will be more of the same but more changing up of the order of things. Patty & I will be in the gym on Wednesday night for a machine set 1.

Till next time,



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