Day 48 - High Intensity
"Oh my gosh, I am totally spent". Those were the words I spoke to Keith tonight after a grueling workout. I started out with a bad attitude from a long day and that was bringing me down quite a bit tonight. Patty & I started out with our usual 10 min. of cardio warm up and then it was upstairs to the torture chamber (aka The Ball). It's actually not that bad but tonight I was pretty wiped out!
We started out with stretching exercizes and balancing of the core. We then did 3 sets of ab crunches and isolinear ab moves. After the abs, we worked on more abs with free weights. Keith decided that my exertion level could use a pick me up so he gave me some 7 1/2 lb. weight on a few moves. He decided that was too easy for the chest press so he moved me up to 15 lb. weights for each arm. I'm happy to say that I endured but what pain I am experiencing right now. I can barely type as my hands and arms are worn out.
We finished up with 2 sets of ball squats but this time, we had to hold the weights to build more resistance. That was tough. I thought I was finished and then Keith said, "we have time, let's do another set" so back to the ball we went for more ab exercizes with the weights. I was sweating profusely and at one point, didn't think I was going to make it through but we will always try to give it our best effort.
Their computer system is still down so we don't have our menu plans yet. They have promised us 2 extra workout sessions to compensate for their techincal problems.
Tomorrow, Patty & I are heading up to Sedona for some R&R with her parents. They have a time share at the Sedona Pines Resort and have invited us to visit for the weekend. We are both looking forward to a quick retreat from Phoenix.
Peace & Blessings,
10/27/05 - 273 lbs.
5 lbs. lost
5 inches on waist lost
103 lbs. to weight goal
We started out with stretching exercizes and balancing of the core. We then did 3 sets of ab crunches and isolinear ab moves. After the abs, we worked on more abs with free weights. Keith decided that my exertion level could use a pick me up so he gave me some 7 1/2 lb. weight on a few moves. He decided that was too easy for the chest press so he moved me up to 15 lb. weights for each arm. I'm happy to say that I endured but what pain I am experiencing right now. I can barely type as my hands and arms are worn out.
We finished up with 2 sets of ball squats but this time, we had to hold the weights to build more resistance. That was tough. I thought I was finished and then Keith said, "we have time, let's do another set" so back to the ball we went for more ab exercizes with the weights. I was sweating profusely and at one point, didn't think I was going to make it through but we will always try to give it our best effort.
Their computer system is still down so we don't have our menu plans yet. They have promised us 2 extra workout sessions to compensate for their techincal problems.
Tomorrow, Patty & I are heading up to Sedona for some R&R with her parents. They have a time share at the Sedona Pines Resort and have invited us to visit for the weekend. We are both looking forward to a quick retreat from Phoenix.
Peace & Blessings,
10/27/05 - 273 lbs.
5 lbs. lost
5 inches on waist lost
103 lbs. to weight goal
I cannot tell you how reading your Day 48 blog entry gave me such a thrill. I'm cheering ya on. I love the feeling of not knowing whether you can make it or not, that it's so grueling and intense you feel like dying. Isn't that some of the best feelings you can get? Okay, yes, I am sick.
Seriously, one day, if you continue to persevere, you'll realize and truly enjoy those really intense workouts with a passion.
I used to hate squats and lunges and now I so look forward to do them and making them tougher and tougher. Yesterday I gave my first shot at a method called Tabata for squats. Talk about nearly passing out. I felt exhilarated by that, and it spurred me on to the rest of my workout.
Also, I was the girl that no one wanted to pick for PE, always the last one, and such a klutz. Through years of persistent training, I don't think I have that image any longer. I even have people come up to me and ask me questions, and yesterday I saw a woman doing some of MY exercises. Imitation is the best form of flattery.
Keep on keeping on!!!! You can do it.
Have fun in Sedona. Love that area, minus the New Age stuff.
Doris, at 6:41 AM
Doris, you really are a great encouragement to me. Most of the posting are to keep me honest to myself for my workouts but I love to read your comments as it makes me want to do even more. I just wanted to say "Thank you and I appreciate your encouragement for Patty & me". I know it's a long haul but the journey can only begin with 1 step at a time. Peace & blessings!
Jerry van West, at 9:33 AM
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