Responsibility is Job 1
Tonight was cardio night for me. Patty had a doctor's appointment but I have put on my calendar that every Wednesday, I go to the gym and at least do the cardio mixer. I started off with the treadmill at 15 minutes doing an initial start at 5.0 elevation at 3.0 mph and after 10 minutes, I kicked up the elevation and speed 1 level (i.e. 5.5 elevation/3.1 mph, 6.0 elevation, 3.2 mph., etc.) and finished off at 3.5 mph. I normally do not go above the 3.0 mph but tonight, I felt like challenging myself and it was good.
After the treadmill, I hit the LifeCycle for 10 minutes. I'm still not a big cycle person as it doesn't really do much for me. The only saving item with that is it is just under the television and I usually get there when Judge Judy is on. That show really is motivating to me as it seems like everyone that goes on that show likes to blame others for their problems. There was a guy today who wrecked 2 of his girlfriend's cars and her mother was there to sue the guy to take responsibility. The excuse that he used for wrecking the car was so lame. He dropped off his girlfriend at her friend's house and he told her that he was going to go for a few drinks at a local bar. He has a few too many and gets into a wreck driving 70 mph into a pole. His blood alcohol level was .242 and he had the audacity to blame the girlfriend since she knew he was going to a bar and she should have had sense to not let him have the car. OMG!! What kind of crazy world do we live in nowadays?
Like I said, this show is motivating to me because if shows me in a practical way not to transfer any responsibility for the things I do to others. If I don't like the way things are in my life, it is my responsibility to make a change. I kind of relate to many things in terms of television and/or movies. There was an old Ford Motor Company slogan that said "Quality is Job 1". Well, I think it should be "Responsibility is Job 1". We have to take responsiblity for our own actions. If you don't like something, fix it or change it. You are the only You that You can be!
Now that's I've rambled on about Judge Judy, I'll get back to my cardio finale. I ended up on the ProCor elliptical machine for 15 minutes on the #2 - cross training session. I am starting to like that machine as I kick my heart rate into the 130's pushing myself to 130-150 strides/minute. By the time I was done with that, I was drenched and I love it when I sweat. Mel used to say that she knew she was kicking my butt when I was soaked so I felt like I got a good workout in.
After the cardio, I hit the exercize ball and did 2 sets of 50 ab crunches. I really want the stomach thing to break down and the only way is to hit that constantly. I don't like the big pooch so abs...abs...abs....and more abs. I then hit the big boy room and did some pull downs. I kicked up the weight to 90 lbs. which is 1 plate more than the 75 lbs. that I had been doing. I also did the other machine next to it at 50 lbs. I'm not sure what it is but it's the first machine in that room. You stand with your back on a padded pad and you pull down from the top keeping your arms close to you side. It's kind of like a bicep machine but not sure. I did 2 super sets and then had to go.
Overall, it was a good workout even though Patty was not there. I had fun.
After the treadmill, I hit the LifeCycle for 10 minutes. I'm still not a big cycle person as it doesn't really do much for me. The only saving item with that is it is just under the television and I usually get there when Judge Judy is on. That show really is motivating to me as it seems like everyone that goes on that show likes to blame others for their problems. There was a guy today who wrecked 2 of his girlfriend's cars and her mother was there to sue the guy to take responsibility. The excuse that he used for wrecking the car was so lame. He dropped off his girlfriend at her friend's house and he told her that he was going to go for a few drinks at a local bar. He has a few too many and gets into a wreck driving 70 mph into a pole. His blood alcohol level was .242 and he had the audacity to blame the girlfriend since she knew he was going to a bar and she should have had sense to not let him have the car. OMG!! What kind of crazy world do we live in nowadays?
Like I said, this show is motivating to me because if shows me in a practical way not to transfer any responsibility for the things I do to others. If I don't like the way things are in my life, it is my responsibility to make a change. I kind of relate to many things in terms of television and/or movies. There was an old Ford Motor Company slogan that said "Quality is Job 1". Well, I think it should be "Responsibility is Job 1". We have to take responsiblity for our own actions. If you don't like something, fix it or change it. You are the only You that You can be!
Now that's I've rambled on about Judge Judy, I'll get back to my cardio finale. I ended up on the ProCor elliptical machine for 15 minutes on the #2 - cross training session. I am starting to like that machine as I kick my heart rate into the 130's pushing myself to 130-150 strides/minute. By the time I was done with that, I was drenched and I love it when I sweat. Mel used to say that she knew she was kicking my butt when I was soaked so I felt like I got a good workout in.
After the cardio, I hit the exercize ball and did 2 sets of 50 ab crunches. I really want the stomach thing to break down and the only way is to hit that constantly. I don't like the big pooch so abs...abs...abs....and more abs. I then hit the big boy room and did some pull downs. I kicked up the weight to 90 lbs. which is 1 plate more than the 75 lbs. that I had been doing. I also did the other machine next to it at 50 lbs. I'm not sure what it is but it's the first machine in that room. You stand with your back on a padded pad and you pull down from the top keeping your arms close to you side. It's kind of like a bicep machine but not sure. I did 2 super sets and then had to go.
Overall, it was a good workout even though Patty was not there. I had fun.
I think getting rid of ab flab will mainly come more from one's diet and how efficient one's body is at burning fat. You can't dictate where fat comes off of. It just comes off your body the way it wants.
You're doing a great job and glad you went, even if Patty couldn't go.
Do you wear a heartrate monitor? If not, I suggest getting one. I use a Polar and mine is fairly basic -- around $100. Get one that has a strap that goes around your chest and a wrist watch that wirelessly gets the data off your heartrate monitor.
Often times the machines are off on what they record for a heartrate. It usually says mine is higher than what it really is.
Doris, at 4:54 AM
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