We worked out yesterday but to tell you the truth, I didn't want to be there. I went to the dentist earlier in the day and was told what I had to have done. Ouch. 4 extractions, 1 root canal, 3 bridges and 3 dental implants. Way too much to absorb for 1 morning but I knew that it was going to be bad. I had been neglecting my teeth and had only been to a dentist 1 time in 13 years. Just like everything else in life, if you neglect things for your body, sooner or later, you will get a wakeup call and have to take care of it. Life is all about taking care of yourself. Even knowing that I had to do this, I didn't. I've felt that I was spinning my wheels and even though I've made great progress, I was looking inward and was battling a bit of depression. Fighting the mental fatigue and the issues in life really drains me. I want to do better but sometimes, I just shut down.
I know that I am better than the performance I have been giving in the areas of my life. I know that I have not given 100% but knowing this and doing something about it is what my journal is all about. My father likes to say "tomorrow is a promisory note, yesterday is a cancelled check but today is ready cash". I can't look at yesterday as it's already passed. I can plan for the promise of tomorrow but I have to live today in the here and now. In my mind, I know this. In my heart, I have to work at it. It doesn't come naturally to me as I'm sure it doesn't come naturally to many but it is the thought that I have to ruminate on daily. Live your life well. You can't live in the yesterday. You don't know if you'll have a tomorrow. Life Today!
I did 10 minutes on the elliptical and 20 on the LifeCycle. I didn't make the treadmill as I ran out of time before our meeting with Pablo. We went upstairs for some lower body leg work and did some planks and exercize band rows. I am still struggling with the tricep problem/pain from that pulled muscle but Pablo has given me some routines to do daily to work it out. It is steadily getting more sore but I am continuing to work it. We went to do some hammer strength pulls as well as bicep curls and then deltoid pulls and chest presses. We ended up with some alternate chest presses and called it a night. 90 minutes at the gym and I was pretty beat. I gave myself a 6 for effort. I have done much better but was thinking of the dentist. I'll let you know what happens.
I know that I am better than the performance I have been giving in the areas of my life. I know that I have not given 100% but knowing this and doing something about it is what my journal is all about. My father likes to say "tomorrow is a promisory note, yesterday is a cancelled check but today is ready cash". I can't look at yesterday as it's already passed. I can plan for the promise of tomorrow but I have to live today in the here and now. In my mind, I know this. In my heart, I have to work at it. It doesn't come naturally to me as I'm sure it doesn't come naturally to many but it is the thought that I have to ruminate on daily. Live your life well. You can't live in the yesterday. You don't know if you'll have a tomorrow. Life Today!
I did 10 minutes on the elliptical and 20 on the LifeCycle. I didn't make the treadmill as I ran out of time before our meeting with Pablo. We went upstairs for some lower body leg work and did some planks and exercize band rows. I am still struggling with the tricep problem/pain from that pulled muscle but Pablo has given me some routines to do daily to work it out. It is steadily getting more sore but I am continuing to work it. We went to do some hammer strength pulls as well as bicep curls and then deltoid pulls and chest presses. We ended up with some alternate chest presses and called it a night. 90 minutes at the gym and I was pretty beat. I gave myself a 6 for effort. I have done much better but was thinking of the dentist. I'll let you know what happens.
You may be too busy to allow your body to recouperate and even your mind, too. Sometimes when big things happens, we need more time to adjust. Other times, it's the build up of small things that we need to take a step back and get some rest, refocus.
And, sometimes everything happens and keeps happening and we're sent stunned, dizzy, fallen, and just don't know what to do. I'm the latter.
So, what I've done is recognize I need more rest. I've cut out most of my straight cardio, most of my yoga for now. The only thing I'm going to do regularly is my weightlifting 2x/wk with Josh.
No baby, wedding showers or birthday or other parties for at least the next 2 months. I'm even cutting back on attending church services and just listening to the sermons by CD or online.
I haven't had the time to devote to my stock stuff and really need to do that. Plus, I'm not getting enough sleep for things typically beyond my control.
Like today, I was up at 2 am, at work by 3 am. I'll be here until nearly 4 pm. Then, home to spend a few moments with the kids and Henry before I hit my stock stuff until 10 pm. That's a 20 hr day.
Yeah think I might feel a little burned out? I don't feel bad when I have to decline a party. I'm working full-time, nearly doing my stock stuff full-time, too...juggling marriage and kids, and teach in Sunday School. I think that's MORE than enough.
Frankly, I'm so burned out that if anyone tries to lay a guilt trip on me for not attending things or whatever, I'll snap.
So, you may need to cut out some extracirricular activities for a little bit to give yourself some breathing room, then when you are refreshed, hit it again hard.
Doris, at 9:21 AM
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