Jerry's Fitness Diary

Monday, March 13, 2006

Day 183 - More great fun!

Tonight, Patty told Pablo that her Chiropracter has told her that for the next 3 weeks, she is to limit her lumbar/lower back routines as she has dislocated it somehow so tonight, we will have to work other areas and she will be limited in her mobility. I, on the other hand, should not be limited and I will push myself. I started out with the treadmill and then did the elliptical machine for 10 minutes each and then we were off to upstairs. I was feeling claustrophobic where Pablo wanted us so I asked him to move us to the other side for the warm ups.

We started off with leg lifts on our back and then side leg lifts - 2 sets. After the legs, we did some ball squats (oh how I love those!) - 15 squats and 2 reps. We then went down stairs and did some upper body stuff - chest press, lats, deltoid fly - all with super sets. We also did 2 versions of seated rows - and I was being goofy/macho pushing myself a little too far on one machine. I did about 30% more weight than I normally would push myself to and couldn't do the second rep. Pablo said that it was good to push myself but to be careful not to hurt or injure myelf. I still enjoyed it but need to work on balance.

We went back to the big boy room for some more upper body work and lat exercizes. Again, I pushed myself and broke through on one system doubling my first rep and exceeding my second set which pleased me greatly.

We finished up in the main room on some leg extensions and called it a night. Our next session will be Friday with Pablo and we'll also hit the gym on Wednesday for a self session.

Peace and blessings.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Day 180 - Another Goodie

It was another good workout with Pablo tonight. We started out with our cardio mixer and then did some stairs and core stuff upstairs. I am doing this one late and can't remember the entire workout but we sweated quite a bit. After the core stuff, we went back downstair for some work in the "Big Boy" room with lots of weights and big machines. Upper body stuff as well as leg presses and squats.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day 178 - On our own tonight

Patty & I went to the gym for our own workout in between trainings. I started off with my cardio mixer - 10 min. on Elliptical, 10 min. on bike and 10 min. on treadmill. I then did 5 sets of stairs and 1 set of stairs with calf lifts. After this, Patty did some other ab work and bar push ups and then we went to the ab machine for more abs. We also did some lat pulls & chest press.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Day 176 - Happier Workout

I should really do my posts the day we do the workout as I don't always remember all the stuff we did. Today we had a happier workout with much more intensity than on Monday so both Patty & I were drenching with sweat and quite tired and beat - this is a good thing!

I started with my new cardio routine - 10 min on the eliptical, 5 on the bike and 10 on the treadmill. It was a great starter and I was pumped for the training. We then headed upstairs for some ab work and stair step ups. We did some squats and then headed down stairs for some more upper body work.

Overall it was a much better effort on my part and I felt like I was challenged.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Day 173 - Heart to Heart

This was our 3rd session with Pablo and the way things were going, Patty had to speak up as the training sessions so far have not been up to what Mel had us on. She has finally made some progress with weight loss and doesn't want to lose momentum. We did a more core/upper body workout doing ab work and leg lifts but didn't want to hit the lower body as the Saturday seminar was going to be on lower body and we wanted to be ready and able for that. We also did some upper body on the machines in the "Big Boy" room. Overall, I thought the session was okay but Patty wants more of an intense workout and I would have to concur with her thoughts.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

We won both games tonight!

It was a good outing for the Tempe Big Dogs. We won both our games tonight. The first game we won with a score of 13-1 and the second game was a closer score at 19-14. This was a significant double header as the team we beat was undefeated in our league and now we are tied with them at an 8-2 record. There is 1 more week left in the season and then the playoffs. Our opponent next week is the Ramrods and they appear to be a very good team. Tonight I went 1-4 with a very nice single down the 3rd base line. I also had a sacrifice RBI in game 1.

Our next training is tomorrow night with Pablo. It should be a great session!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Back to the Cardio

Tonight, I came home from work and said to myself that I want to go to the gym so I picked up my gym bag and off I went. I had a very good day at work and wanted to really challenge myself in the gym.

I did 15 1/2 minutes on the elliptical machine - a new record for me! It got a bit easier after the first few minutes. I was even running on the unit. This is quite a great improvement over my previous attempts and I know that I will get even better at it! I then did 5 minutes on the LifeCycle which is not my favorite cardio device but Eric W. (Fitness Director at Pure Fitness) reminded me that if I stick with only 1 type of cardio, my body will get used to it and I would not be progressing so I am trying to mix it up a bit. After the LifeCycle, I hit the treadmill and started off at 3.0 mph and 5.5 elevation. After 5 minutes, I kicked it up to a 7.0 elevation. After another 5 minutes, I kicked the speed up to 3.5 mph which was really winding me. At 13 minutes, I kicked the speed back down to 3.0 and did another 7 minutes plus a 5 minute cool down.

Overall, I did 45 minutes of cardio and was really covered with sweat so I know that I had a good workout. My right upper arm has been bothering me so I hit the SciFit arm exerciser for 10 minutes. Pablo suggested that I continue to try upper arm movements and lift to work the pain in my arm out so I am doing that.

I decided that I wanted to hit the jacuzzi after the cardio workout and sat in there for 10 minutes to soak. It was a great session tonight!! Softball tomorrow night.