Jerry's Fitness Diary

Monday, February 27, 2006

Small Setback

I must have been getting too full of myself as I actually gained. It was a 4 lb. gain and I only have myself to look at for this. The good news is that I am refocusing my energy and my desire to hit my goals. I had taken things a bit for granted - not by much but by enough that it affected my objective.

Tonight, we did our measurements and I gained a 1/2 in on lower body but lost on upper body. It makes sense as we had been doing a lot of upper body workouts. I will refocus on my cardio routines to shake up the system a bit. All I seem to do is treadmill/walking and when you do this over and over, your body can get used to it and then it's not working where you need it to work.

Pablo got us doing some stairs tonight as well as push ups, ball squats, ab crunches, Arnie's and exercise bands between legs doing leg stretchers. We also did some bicycle kicks - 10 seconds which was killing me and two leg lifts.

The goal is refocus on diet and get into the gym for more cardio and resistance. Stairs will be good to do as well.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I'm no Cajun' but I'm Ragin'

Ok, that was corny! It was a good session this morning. Eric W. led us in a Rage in the Cage session. We started off with a good stretching out and then some preliminary cardio to get the blood flowing. It's always important to stretch up and warm up prior to working out otherwise it could be like taking a cold rubber band and trying to stretch and use it right away. It becomes brittle and can easily break. Then we did a bunch of machines - each for a minute and stopped for 10 minutes of cardio - back to machines (about 5 or 6) and then more cardio - then more machines. It was fun but not as good as the session with the Paramount machines. I think we were a bit more focuesd there. It was a good workout and I did sweat which means that I did some good.

We have a reprogram with Pablo on Monday and I'll let you know the results. I am not that confident that I did well this month as I have cheated a little on myself. I've had some hamburgers (no buns, mostly) and I did eat some fries a few times. It's not on my menu to eat but sometimes you just want to do this. I'll end up paying for it but it is what it is.


Friday, February 24, 2006

First session with Pablo

Very cool dude. Tonight was our first session with Pablo (aka Pablo Cruise) . I think it's going to take a few sessions to see how things will progress. I like his follow up as it was similar to what Mel did with us. I can't remember all that we did but it was mostly abs and lower body stuff. We did do some upper body stuff as well.

Great post, huh?! Tomorrow's workout is "Rage in the Cage" with Eric W.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Another softball split series

We split our games tonight. Won the first one - 10-3 but lost the second one 17-4. I played pretty well getting a few hits and a very amazing (to me) out at home plate. It was a fun night out with the guys!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Day 162 - Training with Kelli

Tonight, I did a training with Kelli who will not be our long term trainer. Patty had a migraine but still wanted to work out. I told her that she was nuts since she stayed home from work because of the headache but she went to the gym anyways. We both did our cardio warm ups and then were going backand forth about the training. I didn't want to waste Kelli's time as she didn't have any history of my training so far but I went ahead and did a 2 rep circuit with her. I told Patty that she needs to take it easy and Kelli said the same thing.

Training consisted of calf lifts, chin dips, lat pull downs, 2 alternate sets of seated rows, deltoid flys, chest press with 2 variations, tricep extensions and bicep curls. I did 1 set of each of these and then we started over and did the sets a second time. I was pretty drenched with sweat which is always a good thing as it shows that I put in a good effort.

I am still sore from Saturday's ab crunch workout on the ball and now I can barely type as my arms felt like they were swollen like a giant balloon. It's a good feeling to see veins in my arms and a bit more muscle than the previous flabby limbs.

Next workout is Wednesday night - this will be a self workout.



Happy President's Day

Aside from the turmoil that's happening with our training schedule, I thought I would post a photo that was taken at work today here. I'm the good looking short one on the right. The guy on the left is Joe Cook, Oracle Application Group out of my Indianapolis office and George Washington (George Smith, Executive VP & GM, ISC Division).

Sunday, February 19, 2006

More trouble in Paradise

We spoke with Eric tonight and Kelli, who was supposed to be our new trainer, has asked to be released from working with us due to her scheduling conflicts and that she will be in an intern position coming up in May for 3 months. With this change, Patty & I didn't feel comfortable with being with her for only 2 months and then having to get yet another trainer. I believe that we will be working with Pablo (aka The Cruise Man) to see how he works out with us for training.

I can't believe that we have to start over again. This really sucks!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Day 160 - Group Training

Today's session was a group training at the gym. Kelli let the training with the help of Clifford (the big red dawg). Pablo (aka Cruiser) and Eric (the Ericinator) were also there for support. It was a good session on the ball - a little too intense but needed. I don't think I was really as pumped as I normally am for a session however I tried to stick it out. Patty had some problems breathing about halfway through the session and she didn't remember her inhaler. Kelli's a lot of fun and it will be interesting to see how it will be to work with her. Eric wanted to work with us however he is training to be a senior fitness club trainer and will probably be leaving the Chandler facility in the next 3 months. I'll keep you posted on how it works out with Kelli (aka Turbo).


Friday, February 17, 2006

Day 159 - Last session with Mel

Today was the final session with Mel and it was a bit bittersweet. She is an amazing trainer and I really will miss her but we have to move on. We did a lower body workout tonight focusing on legs and calves. We alternated between single leg presses and calf raises. We then did step ups and donkey calf lifts. We did some Pirouettes and then did some free weight arm drops and completed with some free weight lifts from floor to overhead. It was somewhat of a short session but we will be back on Saturday morning for a core session on the ball with Kelli. Kelli will be our trainer next week starting on Monday.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Say it ain't so!

Mel just called me today and gave me great news for her but terrible news for Patty and me. She had applied to USC Graduate School and was informed today that she was accepted into the program and so, our training with her is coming to a close.

I am totally bummed as I really liked working with her but now we are in another situation where we have to get another trainer. It's takes a good month to get comfortable with your trainer and to get set on their philosophy & program. I am happy that Mel gets to move on in her career choice but I am still bummed out.

We'll see how tomorrow happens.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Day 155 - Wow

I have to say that Mel is really becoming our super Valentine! It was an awesome workout tonight. I got to the gym a little late as I was in the middle of getting Patty her Valentine's Day gift and got in about 10 min. of cardio before we were able to give Mel her gift. Patty found a pretty pink clipboard and personalized it for Mel. Kelli (aka Turbo) saw it and wanted one for herself so we'll have to see what we can do.

Today, we did a high intensity lower body workout. Lots of ab work and lower body stuff. Mel has us working on intervals of different trainings to work the most problem areas. I really sweated it out tonight and I'm loving every minute of this.

This week is my father's 75th birthday and my sister and brother in law are in town for the event. I will miss softball on Thursday but some things are more important. Our next workout with Mel is Friday and it should be a winner!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Day 153 - Cardio Boot Camp

Today, it was a group training at 11:00 am. It was Cardio Boot Camp time and boy was it a tough and challenging workout. I was completely wasted this morning but dragged my lazy behind into the gym because I told Mel that I would be there. I have to keep my word and it was on my calendar so the working out thing is becoming a ritual and habit - good thing for my heart.

I gave my complete effort today and poor Patty was very winded. She made a great effort however her asthema really bothered her from last night and she was not quite over it. I made sure that I didn't do any cardio prior to this morning as they stretched us properly and had us going strong.

Our next workout is Monday with Mel. We are at 5:00 pm so we will still have time with Pippin in the evening and I can get to bed at a decent hour. I need to remember to get more sleep as my body needs to rejuvenate at night. I am sleeping a whole lot better and deeper so that's a good thing. It really feels nice not having to get up every couple of hours at night and have to go to the bathroom (knock on wood). All the vitamins and medicine are starting to stablize in me.

Peace & Blessings!


Friday, February 10, 2006

Day 152 - Good Time Charlie

After Monday's beat up attitude and having a very par to subpar week, I was happy that Friday was finally here. Tonight, I was ready for a good workout and I was not disappointed. I started off with the new cardio warm up Mel gave me - 16 minutes at 3.0 mph and no elevation kicking it up to 3.0 elevation and up 1.0 degrees each minute til I get to 8.0. At 8.0, I did that for 2 minutes but then kicked it up to 9.0 (which was a mistake, I found out later) for 2 minutes and then back to 0 elevation for a 5 minute cool down. I am liking this new cardio "hill" program as it doesn't let me stay complacent at 5.5 or 6.0 elevation and it challenges me to keep going more. I didn't have time to work on the elliptical as it was already 5:00 and we were ready for our workout.

Tonight, we started with curtsy's and step up curtsys. Mel put the steps at 4 + the plank so it was really 5. We had previously done 2 and 3 so the 4th stack was a little tougher. We did 2 sets of these interspercing with 4 count burpees. I have had a struggle with those so it was hands raise and touch toes and hand raise and jump and touch toes - do this for a full minute. My calves were aching and cramping a bit (it was the 9.0 elevation that did it) so we went to no jump with the mod burpees. Mel then had us do 5 sets of stair walks and 2 sets of stairs with calf raises.

We then did 2 sets (15 each) of push ups and more jumping jacks. Back down the stairs and to the LifeFitness machines. It was motorcycle row machine (not sure the actual name but this machine looks like you are sitting on a motorcross bike) and then we had a seated row machine. 2 sets each. In between, it was jumping jacks and alternate toe touches to keep the cardio up. Our final stretch of machines was the bicep curl, tricep extensions and body dip machine. Can't remember the name but will look Saturday when we're back at the gym for the Cardio workout at 11:00 group training. After this, we were pooped. Patty and I were drenched and Mel really was pleased with our effort. I gave myself and 8.5 for effort.

Next workout is tomorrow with the group thing. It was good last week and I need another good workout. I still need to start going in every day just for cardio and even if it's just for 30 minutes, it will be good.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

We beat the Megabats

Tonight, our softball team won both games against the Megabats. The first game we won a squeaker 8-7 and the second game we beat them 15-6. This is quite an accomplishment as they crushed us in the Mesa Winter League. We had 3 home runs in the second game - 2 out of the park and 1 inside the park home run!

The Megabats were 2-0 coming into tonight and we were 1-1 splitting the games last week with DIMO. I spoke with one of the players from Megabats and they started playing in 1985. Most of the guys are from ASU and are teachers and professors. The shortest term player on their team has been on the squad for 4 years. Others are averaging around 10 years or so so they are well seasoned and they play like it.

It was real enjoyable being out with the guys tonight even though I didn't play much. I was in the first game and played catcher in the second half of that game. I went 0 for 2 lining out at 3rd base twice.

Our next training is with Mel tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Looking forward to it.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Day 148 - Attitude

It's amazing how a bad attitude can ruin a good workout. Mine was a doozie tonight. I was fine up and until we were getting ready to go. Patty said something that triggered me and I was off. It wasn't anything that she really did but I have been on edge for the past few days and I was still trying to stop being mad. I don't even know why I was angry but I was. I'm kind of neurotic so forgive my ramblings for a moment.

I started on the treadmill to work on Mel's new program. I do 15 minutes at no elevation @ 3.0 mph. After the first 15 minutes, I kick up the elevation to 3.0 and increase 1 degree every minute until I get to 8.0 elevation and then do a cool down for 5 minutes. Let me tell you, this is a whole lot tougher than starting at 5.5 to 6.5 and doing that consistantly for 30 minutes. The gradual stairstepping of the elevation training doesn't allow you to get too comfortable with a specific climb and it works you out more. I didn't do the elliptical machine today as I am working on that on the days we are not with Mel.

Our workout tonight was more on the mid section training. We went upstairs and did some planks and jackknife toe touches. We did some ab work and then went downstairs for some LifeFitness machine training. I'm sorry but I can't remember all the machines we did. We did a seated row machine, a pull up machine, another focused row machine and a rear deltoid machine. Suffice it to say that my poor attitude tonight has affected my memory of what we did. Hopefully, I will be in a better mood on Friday for our next training with Mel.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Day 146 - 170-32 - It's my motto

At Mel's persuasion and insistance, Patty & I did the group session at 11:00 am. I wasn't really looking forward to it as last night I was pretty ripped from the training and didn't get to bed until 11:00 pm and I had to be up early for a men's meeting and was pretty tired to boot but I said I would go in and I try to be a man of my word.

I did start off with some cardio and did 7 minutes at a level 1 on the eliptical machine just so I could say that I tried something different. I started at 2 minutes and said that I wanted to push myself to 3 minutes and was able to keep going. The next milestone was 5 minutes and then 7 minutes where I stopped because we had to get going on the circuit.

I was really very pleasantly surprised at the training they had in store for us. We went over the Paramount circuit machines as well as did quite a bit of cardio in between to keep the heart rate up and let me tell you, I really sweated up a good storm! I was quite soaked when we were done. We did quite a bit of core stuff as well and jumping jacks and Tae Bo which I don't know at all but I was able to keep up. I was "kicking and screaming" but as I told Ryan who is one of the trainers "I will whine and complain all day long but at the end of the day, I know that it is my goal to complete the mission - failure is not an option". I will continue to apply this philosophy trying to minimize the "kicking and screaming" portion but I will make my workouts a ritual and habit - even if I am kicking and screaming. I will keep my eye on the goal - "170-32"! That's 170 lbs. and a 32" waist however long it takes me to get there.

1-7-0-3-2 - That's my motto!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Day 145 - Gimme Some More!!

Tonight, I started out with 30 minutes of cardio at a 5.5 elevation and 3.0 mph for 17 minutes and kicked it up to 3.2 mph for an additional 13 minutes. I then tried the eliptical machine again as I need to work myself up beyond 2 minutes but I stopped after 2 minutes as my knees and quads were getting a burning sensation. The only way to overcome this will be continuing to challenge myself to do more.

We did a pretty fantastic routine tonight. We started with the exercise rubber bands for some chest presses and upper body rows. We then did some free weight rows. We got the exercize ball and did some ab crunches and alternated with glut lifts. We moved from there to the Paramount machines for some calf exercizes and back calf lifts. Oh I forgot, we also did some wall squats with free weights and wall squat holds. Those are really tough.

Time seemed to fly and before I knew it, it was 7:00. I had worked up a real sweat and was very pleased with my workout and effort tonight. I gave my self a 9.5 out of a 10 for effort and intensity. There is a free session tomorrow morning all on the Paramount machines and I plan on being there. I'll let you know how it all turns out.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Day 144 - Softball Split

Tonight, our softball team returned to the Tempe league and we were really good. This team had won last season's championships and we had a great turnout tonight. We had a few challenges in the Mesa Winter League and this season, we have a bit more focus. We were in both games from the start. The first game we barely lost and the second game, we were up and then down and then in the last inning, we scored 9 runs to win 19-13. For me, I played in the second game as catcher so I didn't get much running and fielding in. I had a called strike out and then flied out to the 3rd baseman. Jason Long came in for me after the 3rd inning and finished up. It was fun to be out with the guys and not be in sub 50 degree weather.

Our next workout is Friday evening at 6:00 with Mel.