Monday, April 24, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Responsibility is Job 1
After the treadmill, I hit the LifeCycle for 10 minutes. I'm still not a big cycle person as it doesn't really do much for me. The only saving item with that is it is just under the television and I usually get there when Judge Judy is on. That show really is motivating to me as it seems like everyone that goes on that show likes to blame others for their problems. There was a guy today who wrecked 2 of his girlfriend's cars and her mother was there to sue the guy to take responsibility. The excuse that he used for wrecking the car was so lame. He dropped off his girlfriend at her friend's house and he told her that he was going to go for a few drinks at a local bar. He has a few too many and gets into a wreck driving 70 mph into a pole. His blood alcohol level was .242 and he had the audacity to blame the girlfriend since she knew he was going to a bar and she should have had sense to not let him have the car. OMG!! What kind of crazy world do we live in nowadays?
Like I said, this show is motivating to me because if shows me in a practical way not to transfer any responsibility for the things I do to others. If I don't like the way things are in my life, it is my responsibility to make a change. I kind of relate to many things in terms of television and/or movies. There was an old Ford Motor Company slogan that said "Quality is Job 1". Well, I think it should be "Responsibility is Job 1". We have to take responsiblity for our own actions. If you don't like something, fix it or change it. You are the only You that You can be!
Now that's I've rambled on about Judge Judy, I'll get back to my cardio finale. I ended up on the ProCor elliptical machine for 15 minutes on the #2 - cross training session. I am starting to like that machine as I kick my heart rate into the 130's pushing myself to 130-150 strides/minute. By the time I was done with that, I was drenched and I love it when I sweat. Mel used to say that she knew she was kicking my butt when I was soaked so I felt like I got a good workout in.
After the cardio, I hit the exercize ball and did 2 sets of 50 ab crunches. I really want the stomach thing to break down and the only way is to hit that constantly. I don't like the big pooch so abs...abs...abs....and more abs. I then hit the big boy room and did some pull downs. I kicked up the weight to 90 lbs. which is 1 plate more than the 75 lbs. that I had been doing. I also did the other machine next to it at 50 lbs. I'm not sure what it is but it's the first machine in that room. You stand with your back on a padded pad and you pull down from the top keeping your arms close to you side. It's kind of like a bicep machine but not sure. I did 2 super sets and then had to go.
Overall, it was a good workout even though Patty was not there. I had fun.
Monday, April 17, 2006
House of Pain
I started off with my cardio mixer but I did this in reverse order. I did the treadmill first, then the LifeCycle and then the elliptical. I did 35 minutes of cardio prior to getting together with Pablo for the training.
We went upstairs and were anticipating a lower body workout but it was more upper body with some lower body movements. We did ab crunches with weights (this was a first) and ball squats with curls. We did some toe touches and deep knee bends. We also did Russian Twists and bar lifts. We went downstairs for more arm work in the big boy room and then did some chest presses and calf lifts. We finished up on the machines with single leg presses and leg extensions and ended the workout with squats with weights (Pablo called us the oil rigs) and side step lunges (2 sets).
Patty will be on a Women's retreat on Thursday through Saturday so we will not be working with Pablo on Friday. I will be in the gym on Wednesday and Saturday as I have a meeting on Friday night. We did workout last Friday but since it is Monday night, I can't remember what we did but we were there.
Peace and blessings,
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Rockin' night self workout
After all the cardio (total of 50 minutes), I hit the big boy room for some lat pulls, chest presses and seated pulls. I finished up doing 5 sets of stairs and went to the jacuzzi for 10 minutes of water therapy. I was pretty pumped for a good workout for myself. Too bad Patty was elsewhere otherwise she would have enjoyed the workout tonight as well.
Judge Judy was on the tube as I was on the LifeCycle and I was watching a lady complaining that she was on SSI and couldn't work and wouldn't pay back someone a loan. She and her husband had defaulted and the plaintiff had taken their car as collateral for the loan. The plaintiff had repo'd the car and that was what the lawsuit was about. Judge Judy was miffed that the lady and her husband had made no attempts to pay back any part of the debt and awarded the car to the plaintiff as his sole property in payment of the debt. After the show, the woman was all in tears crying that the plaintiff had taken their only means of transportation and it wasn't fair...blah blah blah.
I kept thinking to myself, I was that woman in my attitude regarding my health. I couldn't be to blame - it must have been McDonald's or Wendy's or the pizza, etc. It was everyone else's fault - not me. It was their fault that I got diabetes. It was my parent's fault that I have this gene that caused me to suffer. I was the victim.
What a crock. We all have to take personal responsibility for our actions. If you want real change and results, you have to work for it. No one is going to give it to you. You have to make the decision to change your life. This process is not going to end once I hit my weight and size goal as is now a permanent lifestyle that I have committed to.
I was also thinking about the Capital One commercial - What's in your wallet? It's now, what's your committment? Are you committed to a permanent change? My answer is emphatically "YES!!!!"
Monday, April 10, 2006
Good Intensity Monday
Our session tonight started with my cardio mixer and then it was upstairs for some ab work, ball lifts, sissor kicks (getting better) and stup up lifts with weights. We then went downstairs and did an upper body workout with chest press, chest pulls (3 sets of super sets) and then went to the big boy room for more upper body stuff. We did some bicep curls and tricep extensions as well as hammer throws and forearm curls. It was a very intense night and I sweated profusely!
Man, I really am loving this!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Great session with Pablo tonight
Things are progressing well and we are seeing progress. I just got down to a size 40 pants - this is down from a 52 size - 1 1/2 years ago so I am quite happy with the progress. I only have 8 more inches to go on the waist and I will be at my size goal. Our last weigh in had me back down to 265 so I am only 95 lbs. to get to my emotional goal. This weight goal may change depending on how I look when I get down to 32". I will be there within 6 - 9 months so I am totally stoked!
Peace and Blessings,
Alzheimers Risk
Being 40 and overweight raises Alzheimer's risk
High levels of body fat increases chance of developing disease, study finds
Updated: 10:24 a.m. ET April 7, 2006
“We originally thought that once we took into account diabetes and cardiovascular disease, that there would be no effect of overweight on Alzheimer’s disease, but that turned out not to be the case,” Dr. Rachel A. Whitmer said at a press briefing held at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting here in San Diego.
Whitmer, from the Kaiser Permanente Foundation Research Institute in
During an average follow-up period of 23 years, 221 cases of Alzheimer’s disease were diagnosed.
After factoring in the effects of diabetes, stroke, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure, “we observed a strong independent effect for people with high levels of adiposity” in middle age, Whitmer said. Subjects with high levels of fat in the arm and back were nearly three times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those with low levels.
The association was even stronger when taking into account body mass index (BMI), an overall measure of body weight in relation to height, the researcher added.
“BMI is a good marker for overweight and obesity, but it does not take into account fat regional distribution,” she told Reuters Health. This may mean that “even if a person is of normal weight, carrying a lot of fat in certain areas, especially the (trunk), puts people at risk.”
“Doctors need to remind people that they need to think about weight in middle age,” she said. Losing excess weight and body fat in middle age is not just good for the heart, it’s also good for the brain.
Whitmer and her team plan to evaluate whether weight loss reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Mea Culpa...Mea Culpa
The next workout is tomorrow night (Friday) at 5:00 p.m. Looking forward to a killer workout with Pablo!
Till next time,